Question: 11
Given:10. package com.sun.scjp;11. public class Geodetics { 12. public static final double DIAMETER = 12756.32; // kilometers13. }Which two correctly access the DIAMETER member of the Geodetics class? (Choose two.)A. import com.sun.scjp.Geodetics;public class TerraCarta { public double halfway(){ return Geodetics.DIAMETER/2.0; }B. import static com.sun.scjp.Geodetics;public class TerraCarta{ public double halfway() { return DIAMETER/2.0; } }C. import static com.sun.scjp.Geodetics.*;public class TerraCarta { public double halfway() { return DIAMETER/2.0; } }D. package com.sun.scjp;public class TerraCarta { public double halfway() { return DIAMETER/2.0; } }Answer: A, C关于import和import static:
静态导入是JDK1.5中的新特性。一般我们导入一个类都用 import com.....ClassName;而静态导入是这样:import static com.....ClassName.*;这里的多了个static,还有就是类名ClassName后面多了个 .* ,意思是导入这个类里的静态方法。当然,也可以只导入某个静态方法,只要把 .* 换成静态方法名就行了。然后在这个类中,就可以直接用方法名调用静态方法,而不必用ClassName.方法名 的方式来调用。
Question: 12Given:10. public class Bar { 11. static void foo( int... x ) { 12. // insert code here13. }14. }Which two code fragments, inserted independently at line 12, will allow the class to compile? (Choose two.)A. foreach( x ) System.out.println(z);B. for( int z : x ) System.out.println(z);C. while( x.hasNext() ) System.out.println( );D. for( int i=0; i< x.length; i++ ) System.out.println(x[i]);Answer: B, D
foreach并不是一个关键字,习惯上将这种特殊的for语句格式称之为“foreach”语句。从英文字面意思理解foreach也就是“for 每一个”的意思。实际上也就是这个意思。
Question: 13Given:1. public class Plant { 2. private String name;3. public Plant(String name) { = name; }4. public String getName() { return name; }5. }1. public class Tree extends Plant { 2. public void growFruit() { }3. public void dropLeaves() { }4. }Which statement is true?A. The code will compile without changes.B. The code will compile if public Tree() { Plant(); } is added to the Tree class.C. The code will compile if public Plant() { Tree(); } is added to the Plant class.D. The code will compile if public Plant() { this("fern"); } is added to the Plant class.E. The code will compile if public Plant() { Plant("fern"); } is added to the Plant class.Answer: D
Question: 14Which two classes correctly implement both the java.lang.Runnable and thejava.lang.Clonable interfaces? (Choose two.)A. public class Sessionimplements Runnable, Clonable { public void run();public Object clone();}B. public class Sessionextends Runnable, Clonable { public void run() { /* do something */ }public Object clone() { /* make a copy */ }C. public class Sessionimplements Runnable, Clonable { public void run() { /* do something */ }public Object clone() { /* make a copy */ }D. public abstract class Sessionimplements Runnable, Clonable { public void run() { /* do something */ }public Object clone() { /*make a copy */ }E. public class Sessionimplements Runnable, implements Clonable { public void run() { /* do something */ }public Object clone() { /* make a copy */ }Answer: C, D
Question: 15Given:1. public class Threads2 implements Runnable { 2.3. public void run() { 4. System.out.println("run.");5. throw new RuntimeException("Problem");6. }7. public static void main(String[] args) { 8. Thread t = new Thread(new Threads2());9. t.start();10. System.out.println("End of method.");11. }12. }Which two can be results? (Choose two.)A. java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem B. ProblemC. End of method. java.lang.RuntimeException: ProblemD. End of ProblemE. ProblemEnd of method.Answer: D, E
我们可以分为这几项:run problem end...
然后run problem 肯定了一个先后顺序,因为他们是一个线程的,但是它只是个普通线程,不是守护线程,也没有join,那么,另一个线程,也就是main线程的发生时间可以在其前,其间,其后。